
In this world, in our society, there are constantly new ways to work out, new diets to try, different exercise classes to take, new supplements to consume, etc. We as a people are constantly growing, learning, and adapting to the new ways and cultures, and when it comes to health and fitness, no one really has the right answer that works for everyone. That's because there isn't a right answer for everyone! There is not one diet, or one specific type of workout, or one supplement that works for every person because everyone is different. Likewise, it is impossible for everyone to look like swimsuit models or body builders because we do not all genetically have the same makeup. We are all different, we are all unique, but the one thing that health and fitness does for everyone is make you happier! I truly believe that when you eat right, sleep right, and exercise regularly you are a happier person because you feel good about yourself. However, these things are not easy especially with busy work schedules, families to take care of, and several other activities to attend to throughout the day, but it IS doable! Health and fitness is a lifestyle change. It is not taking the easy way out to rapid weight loss, or rapid muscle gain, or quick results. It is a change that you make in your life to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle. I hope that this blog can encourage you to strive to better yourselves both inside and out. To be the best that you can be, and live the life that your body is capable of living. It's one step at a time, not leaps and bounds, but one single step.

About Me

My educational Background:

Alright, here is the story about my educational history! I am a graduate of the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) in Portland, Oregon.  I chose to attend this institute after finishing a year of school at Brigham Young University-Idaho, where I was deciding what it was I truly wanted to do with my life someday. That first year of college is always the year where you are trying to figure out who you are, what you want, and ultimately the job that you want to put effort towards attaining someday. Well, I absolutely love sports, fitness, nutrition, and all around health. Those things have always been a major part of my life and become more important the older, and more independent you get. I figured, one day I want to have a job that I can continue to do once I start my own family and become a mommy, but I also want to be doing something that I love! This brought me to doing research on personal trainers and the health and fitness industry. I found NPTI, and made the executive decision to attend the following year, and let me just say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made! At school I learned so much about, well… so much! I was not the type of girl to want to sit in a class room and listen to lecture after lecture and take test after test. I was eager to start my career NOW and to get some hands on learning and training. I knew that I didn’t want to sell myself short, nor my future clients, by lack of education and just taking a state certified test to become a trainer, so, I went to an institute specifically for this profession and learned more than ever and I am still constantly learning! At NPTI we learned all about nutrition, anatomy, physiology, and how it all coincides with fitness and personal training. We spent several hours in the gym doing hands on training, proper lifting technique, rehabilitation, learning several different kinds of training, and much more. We also trained each other and constructed group workouts as well as individual workouts, we completed a large business project, took over 70 tests, spent several hours in lecture, and much more. I learned so much throughout my time at school and it has helped sculpt me into who I am today. Upon graduating, I am now a licensed personal trainer and nutritionist! 

Why do I love my job so much??

The reason that I absolutely LOVE my profession is because not only am I passionate about health and fitness, but I get the opportunity to help change people's lives. There is such an amazing feeling that comes with being able to be a hand in someone's life for the better and seeing them succeed and watching them grow and reach their goals. So many trainers see this career as an "extra", or a "side job", or even just an easy job to make money. However, that is not what this is about! As trainers we take the health of another into our own hands and help them in every possible way that we can to succeed. As a trainer, I personally try my best on the clock and off the clock to help my clients to my fullest capacity because sometimes I think I want results for them even more than they do! I have so much faith in my clients and when they succeed, I succeed, when they reach their goals, I reach mine, and when they are happy, so am I. I love working with people, I love teaching and learning new things daily, and I love being a small hand in the lives of my clients to help them become what they felt they couldn't do on their own. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy, and I love being the one to help them become just that. 

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