In this world, in our society, there are constantly new ways to work out, new diets to try, different exercise classes to take, new supplements to consume, etc. We as a people are constantly growing, learning, and adapting to the new ways and cultures, and when it comes to health and fitness, no one really has the right answer that works for everyone. That's because there isn't a right answer for everyone! There is not one diet, or one specific type of workout, or one supplement that works for every person because everyone is different. Likewise, it is impossible for everyone to look like swimsuit models or body builders because we do not all genetically have the same makeup. We are all different, we are all unique, but the one thing that health and fitness does for everyone is make you happier! I truly believe that when you eat right, sleep right, and exercise regularly you are a happier person because you feel good about yourself. However, these things are not easy especially with busy work schedules, families to take care of, and several other activities to attend to throughout the day, but it IS doable! Health and fitness is a lifestyle change. It is not taking the easy way out to rapid weight loss, or rapid muscle gain, or quick results. It is a change that you make in your life to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle. I hope that this blog can encourage you to strive to better yourselves both inside and out. To be the best that you can be, and live the life that your body is capable of living. It's one step at a time, not leaps and bounds, but one single step.
WOD 1:
10 burpees
20 pullups
30 russian twists
40 hand release push ups
30 russian twists
20 pullups
10 burpees
WOD 2: workout for time
100 rep- push up plank with knee to opposite elbow
50 rep/leg - cross over step ups
100 rep- serratus anterior push ups
150 rep- walking lunge
75 rep/leg- 1 leg dumbell row (opposite arm to leg)
my time: 17:30 mins.
WOD 3: 30 mins AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
20 box jumps
10 pull ups
30 mountain climbers
20 kettle bell swings
20 tricep dips
*10 burpees in between each exercise, no rest.
my rounds: 3.5 rounds in 30 minutes.
WOD 4: group training
1. side lunges to press
2. jump rope
3. "thread the needle" - concentric push up position, one arm swing under body then back over body. do it slow, switch arms half way through
4. pull ups
5. box jumps
6. push up on medicine ball
* 1 minute of each, no rest in between- after all 6 completed rest for 2 mins
* do 3 rounds
WOD 5: functional training
1. alternating side lungs on bosu ball, 30 reps
2. walking pushups, 15 reps
3. UFC squats, 15 reps
4. reverse rotating wood chops (use weight connected to band, tied to pole), 15 reps each side
5. jump rows (with band around pole), 15 reps
6. knee tucks (with feet on yoga ball), 15 reps
*30 seconds of each, no rest in between
*1 minute rest after each round
*3 rounds total
WOD 6:
round 1:
25 dead lift
20 shoulder press
15 pull ups
10 push ups
5 body weight squats
round 2:
5 dead lift
10 shoulder press
15 pull ups
20 push ups
25 body weight squats
WOD 7: "666"
1. bicep curls
2. tricep extension
3. inverted row
4. skier
5. shoulder press
6. snatch
* do all 6 arm exercises, 6 reps of each, 6 rounds total.
10 burpees in between each round, 30 second rest in between each round.
*choose a dumbell weight that will push yourself, make it difficult.
(you can choose an 6 arm exercises for this workout)
WOD 8:
10 reps-power cleans
20 reps- wall ball squats
25 reps- tricep dips
30 reps- russian twists on yoga ball with 10 lb weight
10 reps- push ups with feet on yoga ball
20 reps- kettlebell swings
10 reps- burpees
* no rest in between exercises
* 3 rounds total, 1-2 minute rest after each round
WOD 9: hypertrophy
Roman Dead lift
Loaded alternating lunges
Tricep extension (skull crushers)
Kettle Bell swings
Bicep curls
Bicep burnouts
Wall Ball squats
* 1 minute of each exercise. AMRAP (do as many as possible in that 1 minute)
*30 sec rest after each exercise
*2 rounds
WOD 10: upper body and core
15 Pullups
40 russian twists on yoga ball
15 alternating medicine ball pushups
20 side plank lifts (10 on each side)
20 hip extensions with feet on medicine ball and in pushup position (10 on each leg)
15 high pull with kettle bell
10 squat and press with dumbells
*no rest in between exercises, but a 30 sec-1 minute rest at end of each round
* do 3 rounds
WOD 11:
warm up: pyramid of 12
jumping jacks
jump tucks
body weight squats
* start with 12 reps of each, then 11, then 10, then 9, all the way down to 1 rep. No rest in between.
workout: compound set
lat pull downs- 10 reps
bentover row with kettlebell- 10 reps on each arm
* choose a weight that really pushes you
*do 5 sets total alternating between both (1.lat pulls, then bentover row, then rest. 2. lat pulls, bentover row, rest. 3...)
* last set, choose a heavier weight and do 5 reps each.
WOD 12:
alternating medicine ball pushups
russian twists on yoga ball (feet on bench, drive heels down to release pressure on hip flexers)
bent over row with kettlebell
single leg squats
kettlebell swings
hip extentions on yoga ball
** 10 burpess as hard and as fast as you can go after each round!!
* 1 min each exercise
*3 rounds
* 1 min rest after each round
WOD 13:
10 reps- dead lift
15 reps- overhead squat (air squat with weight overhead)
20 reps- wood chop pulls (10 on each side)
25 reps- tricep bench dips
20 reps- box jumps
15 reps- hand release push ups
10 reps- pull ups (with assisting band if needed)
* 2 rounds, 15-20 second transition period, 2 min rest at end of round
WOD 14:
4 min row
4 min burpees
3 min row
3 min burpees
2 min row
2 min burpees
1 min row
1 min row
WOD 15:
12 reps power cleans
12 reps bent over row with kettlebell
12 reps bicep curls (with supination)
12 reps squats
12 reps pull ups
*Each round decrease one rep. so the next round would be 11 reps of each, then 10, then 9...etc. all the way down to 1 rep each
*No breaks
WOD 16: shoulders / deltoids
shoulder press
flys on a physio ball
handstand hold against wall
lateral raises
plank hold- straight arm
*1 min each, no break in between
*2 mins rest between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 17:
Start with 1000 meter row
15 reps overhead squats on bosu ball
8 reps on each leg- side lunge to press on bosu ball
10 reps knee tucks and hold
30 reps russian twist with dumbells on physio ball
30 reps jumping lateral lunges on bosu ball
120 reps jump rope (20 on left foot, 20 on right, 20 together-do 2 times each)
* no rest in between exercises
*1 minute rest after first round
* Do 2 rounds
Finish with 1000 meter row
WOD 18: biceps and triceps
Drop sets:
Start with a higher weight of dumbells that really challenges you ( I started with 20's), do bicep curls until failure. Then drop down to next weight in dumbells, curl until failure, and drop down weight again. I started with 20's and ended with 8's. Curling each weight until failure.
Then right after bicep curls, do this same idea with tricep extensions. Start with a challenging weight and drop down every set , doing each until failure. I started with 30 pounds and ended with 12.
* no rest in between exercises
* 2 minute rest in between rounds
*2 rounds
WOD 19:
1 min row
1 min mountain climbers on physio ball
1 min jump rope
1 min medicine ball slams (use a medicine ball full of sand so it doesn't bounce, squat and pick up the ball, bring back behind head and slam it down on ground from side to side as hard as you can. Keep core tight.)
15 pushups with feet up on box
10 pullups
*no rest in between exercises. 1 minute rest in between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 20:
15 reps- shoulder press while balancing on bosu ball
12 reps- bicep curls with supination
15 reps-hamstring curls on physio ball
10 reps-overhead squats on bosu ball
12 reps-push ups with feet up on physio ball
20 reps-medicine ball slams with sand filled med ball
*3 rounds
*5 burpees in between each exercise
WOD 21: strength training
7 reps bicep burls
7 reps tricep extension
7 reps each side pushup row ( use 2 dumbells, push up position with hands on dumbbells, do a push up then a row with each side, then push up then row, etc.)
*rest 2 minutes in between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 22:
10 pull ups
20 wall ball squats
20 kettlebell swings
20 box jumps
15 chest flies while lying on physio ball
30 jumping side lunges with full hip extension at top on a bosu ball
*no rest in between exercises, 1 minute rest in between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 23:
single leg dead lift with kettlebell- 12 reps each leg
mountain climbers with straight arms on physio ball- 30 reps slowly
single arm bicep curl to shoulder press-while balancing on opposite leg- 12 reps each side
pistol squats on to chair- 12 reps each leg
dumbbell bench press with upper back on physio ball-12 reps
hip extension with feet up on physio ball- 12 each leg
*5 burpees in between EACH exercise
*no rest in between exercise, 1 min rest in between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 24: AMPRAP 25 minutes
15 box jumps
10 push ups (one hand on medicine ball, then roll over to other hand)
15 TRX inverted row
15 kettle bell swings
15 tricep bench dips
20 mountain climbers on physio ball
*5 burpees in between EACH exercise
*as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes
WOD 25: AMRAP 18 minutes
300 meter row
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 body weight squats
20 mt climbers on physio ball
*as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes
WOD 25:
run 0.5 mile
20 body weight squats
20 push ups
20 burpees
*3 rounds!
WOD 26: Megan-TRX workout
*Use TRX bands for each exercise.
standing push ups
tricep extension
donkey kicks
donkey kick left to right
single leg squat left leg
single leg squat left leg with hop
single leg squat right
single leg squat right with hop
mountain climbers
*30 seconds of each exercise
*no rest between exercises
*1 min rest between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 27:
jumping side lunges on a bosu ball-alternating
straight arm plank row (30 sec. each side, about 12 reps)
cross over step ups-use a higher, more difficult box
chest flies with upper back on yoga ball-keep core tight, prevent sway in low back
hamstring curls on yoga ball-raise hips towards the ceiling
push ups with feet on yoga ball (30 second of push ups, 30 seconds of plank)
*1 minute of each exercise
*no rest in between exercise
*1 minute rest in between rounds
*3 rounds
WOD 28: full body muscular endurance
15 pull ups
15 jump rows with band
15 side lunges with single arm shoulder press
15 plank rows with band
15 Y squats with TRX
15 hamstring curls on physio ball
*5 burpees in between EACH exercise
*no rest in between exercises but 1 min rest in between rounds
* 3 rounds
WOD 29:
push up with mountain climber in between push ups
box jumps
walking lunge
tricep dips
*3 rounds
*1 min each exercise, no rest
*1 min rest in between rounds
WOD 30:
12 push to plank
12 jump rows
12 each side-elbow extension with band (ab work)
12 single arm kettle bell swings
12 single leg low bridge
*3 rounds
*5 line touches in between each round
WOD 31: plyos
1. ladder
2. hurdles
3. kick box
*first round=3 mins
second round=2 mins
third round=1 min (GO HARD)
15 dumbbell dead lift
20 each side- tricep extension with band
*two rounds
20 band pull throughs-each side
20 plie squats to high pull
*2 rounds
WOD 32:
12 arm extension with band
12 side lunge to press
*find about a 50m space to run= 3 down and backs
*3 rounds
12 push to plank
12 hamstring curls
*3 down and backs
*3 rounds
12 TRX rows
12 plie squats to high pull
*3 down and backs
*3 rounds
WOD 32: 6 min kick box drill
For two minutes without rest, alternate between punching the combination 1-2 , 10 times on the bag. then do 5 push ups, or 5 burpees, or 5 rock backs. Keep going back and forth for two minutes straight as hard as you can, get as many reps in as possible.
*rest for 1 min between rounds
*do 3 rounds
WOD 33:
12 inverted rows
5 push ups
10 rows
5 push ups
8 rows
5 push ups
12 y squats
10 push to plank
10 y squats
10 push to plank
8 y squats
10 push to plank
12 ufo
10 jumping lunges
10 ufo
10 jumping lunges
8 ufo
10 jumping lunges
Lunge to Lateral Raise:
12 lunge to lateral raise
7 burpees
10 lunge to lateral raise
7 burpees
8 lunge to lateral raise
7 burpees
WOD 34:
20 TRX tricep extension
20 TRX push ups
20 TRX single leg row
*3 rounds
20 tricep dips on bench
20 dumbbell bench press on physio ball
20 plank dumbbell row
*3 rounds
WOD 35:
medicine ball slams
lunges to lateral raise
wood chop pulls with band
body weight squats with band
side plank lifts
mountain climbers
*1 min each exercise
*3 rounds
*1 min rest in between rounds
WOD 36: 30 minute AMRAP
run 400 m
12 walking push up
20 donkey kicks
15 jumping split squats
12 plank row
12 squat to row with band
*do as many rounds of this as possible in 30 minutes
WOD 37:
jumping knee tucks
body weight squats
tricep dips
contralateral raises
*start with 12 reps of each, then next round do 11, then do 10, then 9, 8, 7,...all the way down to 1 rep
WOD 38:
single leg box jumps
run 25 m. hill
jump rope
stairs (up and down a set of 3 stairs)
*1 min each exercise, 3 rounds
*1 min rest between rounds
WOD 39:
12 tricep dips
12 TRX row
*3 rounds
1 min wall sit
12 hamstring curls on physio ball
*3 rounds
12 reverse wood chop pulls-each side
12 dumbell dead lift
*3 rounds
Plyometrics :
1)step ups
3)cone drill (run to each cone)
4) kick box
5)ladder drills
*1 min of each, 3 rounds total
WOD 40: 30 min AMRAP
200 m run
12 push up walks
20 donkey kicks
15 jumping split lunges
12 plank row
12 squat to row with band
WOD 41: pyramid drill
knee tucks
body weight squats
tricep dips
contralateral raises
*start with 12 reps of each then next round 11, then 10, then 9...etc all the way down to 1 rep
WOD 42:
12 push to plank
12 hamstring curls
12 curtsey lunge to bicep curls
*3 rounds
12 band pull throughs
12 plie squat to high pull
12 side lunge to shoulder press
*3 rounds
WOD 43: kick box drill
1)3 burpees
2)2 rock backs
3)10 jumping split squats
4)5 push ups
5)10 mountain climbers
*2 min rounds, every 30 seconds or so do specific exercise
WOD 44:
12 dumbell deadlift
12 tricep dips
*3 rounds
12 TRX rows
12 plie sqauts to high pull
*3 rounds
12 UFO's
12 bench press on physio ball
*3 rounds
WOD 45:
box jumps
jump rope
*1 min each, 2 rounds
shoulder burnout:
12 lateral lifts
12 side plank raises
*2 rounds
12 front raises
12 push to plank
*2 rounds
12 shoulder press
1 min handstand hold
*2 rounds
posterior deltiod raises on bench
*12 reps, 3 rounds
WOD 46:
wall ball throws
band walks
hamstring curls
split squat with foot in TRX strap, add hop
*12 reps, then 10, then 8, then 6.
WOD 47:
star jumps
4 square
box jumps
medicine ball slams
rock backs
*30 second each, go hard! 3 rounds total
12 dead lift
12 trx push up
12 kettlebell clean and press
12 push to plank
12 band walks
*3 rounds
WOD 48: arm burnout
12 bicep curl
12 burnouts
*2 rounds
12 shoulder press
12 push to plank
*2 rounds
12 tricep dips
12 TRX tricep extension
*2 rounds
12 plank dumbell row
12 TRX inverted row
*2 rounds
WOD 49:
30 second side plank
12 plie squat to high pull
12 single leg squat on bench
12 lunge to lateral lifts
12 squat to bicep curl
12 single let dead lift
*3 rounds
WOD 50: legs!
star jumps
4 square
box jumps
medicine ball slams
rock backs
*1 min each, 2 rounds
12 single leg dead lift
12 hamstring curls
*3 rounds
12 overhead squats
12 pistol squat on bench
*3 rounds
12 side loaded side lunges
12 plie squats
*3 rounds
WOD 51: 100 workout
walking planks
weighted cross over step ups
TRX rows
jumping plie squats
walking lunges
mountain climbers
*do 100 reps of all. don't have to do in order, but complete a total of 100 reps of each
WOD 52:
body weight squats
high knees
medicine ball slams
push ups
alternating side plank turns
*start with 10 reps of each, then 9, then 8....all the way down to 1
WOD 53:
12 bicep curls-supinated
12 bicep burnouts
*3 rounds
12 tricep dips
12 tricep extension
*3 rounds
12 TRX push up
12 dumbell bench press
*3 rounds
WOD 54:
15 wood chop pulls
12 hamstring curls
16 walking plank (8 each way)
*3 rounds
12 bent over row
12 split squats (12 each leg)
UFO's 8 each way
*3 rounds
WOD 55: 100 workout
roll medicine ball between hands
weighted cross over step ups
TRX rows
jumping plie squats
walking lunges
mountain climbers
*do 100 reps total of each
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