
In this world, in our society, there are constantly new ways to work out, new diets to try, different exercise classes to take, new supplements to consume, etc. We as a people are constantly growing, learning, and adapting to the new ways and cultures, and when it comes to health and fitness, no one really has the right answer that works for everyone. That's because there isn't a right answer for everyone! There is not one diet, or one specific type of workout, or one supplement that works for every person because everyone is different. Likewise, it is impossible for everyone to look like swimsuit models or body builders because we do not all genetically have the same makeup. We are all different, we are all unique, but the one thing that health and fitness does for everyone is make you happier! I truly believe that when you eat right, sleep right, and exercise regularly you are a happier person because you feel good about yourself. However, these things are not easy especially with busy work schedules, families to take care of, and several other activities to attend to throughout the day, but it IS doable! Health and fitness is a lifestyle change. It is not taking the easy way out to rapid weight loss, or rapid muscle gain, or quick results. It is a change that you make in your life to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle. I hope that this blog can encourage you to strive to better yourselves both inside and out. To be the best that you can be, and live the life that your body is capable of living. It's one step at a time, not leaps and bounds, but one single step.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

No gym needed!

Can’t afford a gym membership? That is just fine because you don’t need one in order to work out! Often times people think that you need the fancy, big gym with all of the cable machines, weights, and cardio machines to be able to work out and feel good. I promise you that is not the case whatsoever. There are obstacles all around you that can be utilized in a good work out. Not only are there accessible obstacles, but there are relatively inexpensive tools that you can purchase as well! The only struggling factor for many is what exercises outside the gym will make a good workout… all you have to do is be creative! Let me help you out:

 Go on a jog

Find a stadium with stairs and run stairs

If you have access to a bike, go for a bike ride

Up the intensity by running up hills or biking up hills

Find a log, bench, table, stair, or box to do “box jumps”, “alternating toe touches”, “alternating side steps”, “alternating leg thrusters” , there is so much you can do with a platform!

Push ups

Alternating front lunges, side lunges, back lunges

Body weight squats (standing air squats)

Plié squats (toes pointed out like a ballerina)


Tricep push up (elbows in)

Jumping jacks

Hip flexion and extension

Balancing: alternating on one leg. Make it more difficult by keeping that leg straight, bending forward and touching the ground with opposite hand

Russian twists

Line hops

Dips using bench, box, or log, etc.


Agility training

Go to a playground and a bar to do pull ups

Star jumps

Side to side skiers

Hand stand hold

Thread the needles


UFC squats

Wall sit

You see! There are so many different exercises that can be done outside of the gym to create an awesome work out! If you don’t know what the terms and exercises listed above are and how to do them properly, “YouTube” videos of “outside the gym workouts” and tons will pop up to give you great ideas! Here is an example of a good workout where a gym is not necessary:

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