
In this world, in our society, there are constantly new ways to work out, new diets to try, different exercise classes to take, new supplements to consume, etc. We as a people are constantly growing, learning, and adapting to the new ways and cultures, and when it comes to health and fitness, no one really has the right answer that works for everyone. That's because there isn't a right answer for everyone! There is not one diet, or one specific type of workout, or one supplement that works for every person because everyone is different. Likewise, it is impossible for everyone to look like swimsuit models or body builders because we do not all genetically have the same makeup. We are all different, we are all unique, but the one thing that health and fitness does for everyone is make you happier! I truly believe that when you eat right, sleep right, and exercise regularly you are a happier person because you feel good about yourself. However, these things are not easy especially with busy work schedules, families to take care of, and several other activities to attend to throughout the day, but it IS doable! Health and fitness is a lifestyle change. It is not taking the easy way out to rapid weight loss, or rapid muscle gain, or quick results. It is a change that you make in your life to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle. I hope that this blog can encourage you to strive to better yourselves both inside and out. To be the best that you can be, and live the life that your body is capable of living. It's one step at a time, not leaps and bounds, but one single step.

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Abs are made in the kitchen"

I always see both men and women alike, in the gym working on their "abs." I see them doing all different kinds of crunches and exercises that they think are strengthening their abs and helping them obtain their goal of a 6 pack. Well, I am here to tell you and reiterate the phrase that "abs are made in the kitchen." Have you ever felt sore in your hips after a "hard core ab day" at the gym? That's because that constant movement of flexion at the hips, where you bring your upper body towards your lower body, is tightening your hip flexors and causing them to work much harder than needed. We want strong, but loose hip flexors. We tighten our hips enough by sitting in a chair, driving, or anything causing you to sit down, so why add to it by doing "hip flexion exercises" or in other words...crunches. Tight hip flexors can also result to poor posture and compensation of other muscles. If you really want to target and strengthen your core without tightening up your hips, try doing plank holds, push ups, side planks, push to planks, hand stand holds, etc. But, you use your abs in everything so you don't need to drop to the ground and do 100 crunches. Just keep your core tight as you go about your other exercises such as squats, shoulder press, lunges, tricep dips, and even bicep curls! You need your core for all of those!

People think that by doing excessive amounts and variations of crunches is the ticket to a flat stomach or a 6 pack but in reality, it's all about what you eat. Choose to eat healthy, incorporate variety in to your diet, consume less sugar, eat protein at the right times, consume proper fats and carbs don't eat late at night, avoid snacking, eat more fruits and vegetables, etc. THAT will help you achieve your goal. I am not saying that you will have the stomach of your dreams and will look like you belong on the front cover of Shape magazine, but it will help you with your goal.

Along with eating right, everyone is genetically made different. Some people are practically born with abs and some will never have them in their life. That's because they just aren't made that way, and it is okay! Do what you can to become the best YOU. Refrain from idolizing the abs of models, body builders, or people who you just wish you could look like because they just aren't you. All you can do is accept your genetic makeup, eat well by especially cutting down, or cutting out, sweets and sugars, and just be the best YOU!

Set your goal not to become or look like a certain person, but to look the the best you by treating your body right.

**TIP: Breathing has everything to do with your core! As you are working out, breathe out hard out of your mouth as your muscles move concentrically. Then, breath in through your nose as your muscles move eccentrically. This will engage your core constantly throughout the exercise. In other words, breathe out on the most difficult part of the exercise and breathe in on the easier part.
Ex) When doing bicep curls breath out as you curl the dumbell up towards you, breathe in as you let the dumbell back down.
       When doing squats breathe in as your body moves towards the ground in to the squat, breathe out as you pop up out of the squat.

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